r - Knitr to PDF Does Not Honor Line Breaks? -

r - Knitr to PDF Does Not Honor Line Breaks? -

i have rnw file has simple code chunk:

<<echo = true, tidy = true>>= getnormintegral = function(x, sd = 1) { res = pnorm(x*sd, sd = sd) - pnorm(-1*x*sd, sd = sd) return(1.0 - res) } @

this looks here, when render pdf file using knitr, code collapses single line , runs past box. have tried set width alternative following:

<<echo=false>>= options(width=10) @

but did not have affect. resulting output in pdf is:

(ok, not extending past box boundaries, not honoring manual line breaks set in code...)

any suggestions create output code chunk typed in?

(i should add together using r 3.1.2, rstudio 0.99.34, , knitr 1.7)

just set tidy=falsein chunk options. knitr automatically tidies code.

r latex knitr


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