java - Inserting a node in BST -

java - Inserting a node in BST -

i trying insert nodes in custom bst.the first time insertdata method called , new node correctly inserted root.the problem occuring in sec , subsequent calls.

below code :

1.the node class =

package ishan.trees.tree; class node implements comparable<node> { private int data; public int getdata() { homecoming data; } public void setdata(int data) { = data; } public node getleftchild() { homecoming leftchild; } public void setleftchild(node leftchild) { this.leftchild = leftchild; } public node getrightchild() { homecoming rightchild; } public void setrightchild(node rightchild) { this.rightchild = rightchild; } private node leftchild; private node rightchild; public node(int data,node leftchild,node rightchild) {; this.leftchild=leftchild; this.rightchild=rightchild; } @override public int compareto(node o) { if(o.getdata() > homecoming -1; if(o.getdata() < homecoming 1; homecoming 0; } }

the tree class =

package ishan.trees.tree; public class tree { private node root=null; public node getroot() { homecoming root; } public void insertdata(int data) { node node=new node(data,null,null); insert(node,this.root); } private node insert(comparable<node> node,node root1) { if(root1==null) {//insert first element ie root this.root=new node(((node)node).getdata(),null,null); } else if(node.compareto(root1) <0) { root1.setleftchild(insert(node,root1.getleftchild())); } else if(node.compareto(root1) >0) { root1.setleftchild(insert(node,root1.getrightchild())); } homecoming root1; } }

3.main class =

package ishan.trees.usage;

import ishan.trees.tree.tree; public class usuage { public static void main(string a[]) { tree tree=new tree(); tree.insertdata(10); //---------1 tree.insertdata(15); //---------2 tree.insertdata(9); //---------3 tree.insertdata(4); //---------4 } }

when debug sec phone call this:

insertdata(15){ insert(15,10) }

which makes phone call insert method ---->


i null every time , results in current node replacing root node.

i cant figure out why during phone call , root1 reference null , not pointing root?

more info :

its during phone call insertdata() insert() . during sec phone call insertdata(15) , create phone call insert(15,this.root) -->insert(node,root1) . root1 reference turns out null.but when inspect this.root referring right root node..


alright here dry run code,

inserting 10.

when insert first element, api insert creates new root per code , sets value 10,

now sec insertion makes interesting, watch happenes


insertdata(15); insert(node,root) // here root actuall root, initialized when u inserted first // goes lastly else if within insert api root1.setrightchild(insert(node,root1.getrightchild())); // see now, apis calls insert again, coz new node value greater root value // how next stack trace like, root right kid null insert(node,null); // observer sec argument null 1 time again

now per insert code end creating root again(root1 argument null, first status executed), discarding defined root. causing issue overriding root 1 time again , again.

java binary-search-tree


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