Whenever I start vim it thinks I have pressed 'd'. How do I stop this behavior? -

Whenever I start vim it thinks I have pressed 'd'. How do I stop this behavior? -

whenever open vim, first key press deletes things. thinks 'd' has been pressed, if type 'j' deletes first 2 lines , if press 'g' it'll delete everything. checked .vimrc , selectively commenting-out sections appears line:

nnoremap <c-[> gt

...but don't see how cause it...?

<c-[> (or ^[) same <esc>, of import key. in terminal, sending of input keys , command of screen based on ("ansi escape sequences"). (this less issue in gvim, has own implementations that.) therefore, that key must not mapped! take different one. (also not part of mapping (e.g. <esc>x), because cause delays while vim waiting other keys.)

due way keyboard input handled internally, vim cannot distinguish between <c-[> , <esc>. also, key combinations, ctrl + non-alphabetic cannot mapped, , ctrl + letter vs. ctrl + shift + letter cannot distinguished. (unless terminal sends distinct termcap code it, don't.) applies <tab> / <c-i>, <cr> / <c-m> / <esc> / <c-[> etc. (only exception <bs> / <c-h>.) known pain point, , subject of various discussions on vim_dev , #vim irc channel.

some people (foremost paul leonerd evans) want prepare (even console vim in terminals back upwards this), , have floated various proposals, cp. http://groups.google.com/group/vim_dev/browse_thread/thread/626e83fa4588b32a/bfbcb22f37a8a1f8

but of today, no patches or volunteers have yet come forward, though many have expressed want have in future vim 8 major release.



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