ios - Swift debug: app stops at breakpoints and doesn't crash -

ios - Swift debug: app stops at breakpoints and doesn't crash -

in age of objective c, when had error in code , run received greenish thread breakpoint, if force button "continue programme execution" in debug area, app crashes , shows me exact error description.

right i'm suffer "breakpoint loop" occurs if force go on button stops @ same place , never crash. app doesn't crash @ , haven't got app error description. annoying me, thread 1: exc_breakpoint (code=exc_arm_breakpoint, subcode=0xe7ffdefe) isn't useful info in point of view of old fatal error descriptions , on.

is there way break "breakpoint loop" , crash app see error description?


note: here used word breakpoint, didn't mean breakpoints set myself, meant default runtime crash breakpoints. here image of (correct if named wrong):

my breakpoint navigator:

the exc_breakpoint exception means programme tried execute particular "trap" instruction. happens instruction debuggers utilize set breakpoints. however, there number of scheme components utilize trap instruction halt execution when programme hits exceptional condition. thought beingness if in debugger, app stop , can analyze problem, if not app die @ point.

you can tell whether debugger responsible trap because if lldb recognizes exc_breakpoint coming trap inserted, tell stop reason "breakpoint 1.1" or whatever - won't show raw exc_breakpoint stop reason. if seeing exc_breakpoint means got kind of internal assertion failure.

usually can tell what's going on going bottom-most frame in stack , looking @ code has trap inserted in it. isn't obvious in xcode because if stop exceptional reason in stack bottom-most frames assembly code, xcode select lowest frame in stack has debug information. if @ stack, may see more frames below stack.

you see little chunks of code belong function, come after normal homecoming instruction function. instance, stack guard mechanism write little error-handling section after functions, , jump there , trap if notices stack overflow.

ios xcode debugging swift breakpoints


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