Why does Python have both a module and a class called datetime? -

Why does Python have both a module and a class called datetime? -

i'm getting confused whether have imported datetime datetime, or whether i've imported datetime. if see in code datetime beingness used, can't tell whether module datetime or class datetime. annoying. can do?

also, pep 8 states: "class names should utilize capwords convention."

it help if classes in datetime module called datetime, date, , time.

since question set on hold "unclear you're asking", i've decided edit , write more. honest, wasn't sure asking either -- found repeatedly beingness tripped issue , wanted feedback. think did helpful advice, though, tdelaney:

personally import datetime dt , utilize dt.datetime, etc... because want maintain original class names while minimizing confusion module name.

it might nice have more consistent naming. standard python library , classically thought of python's "built in" types abide neither pep-8 or strict model of consistency. of standard types (e.g. int, float, str, list, , dict) lower-case. extensions of dict capworded, ordereddict. companion defaultdict not. there number of info types named same modules, such array.array , datetime.datetime. major rewrite of python 3 moved modules around, didn't homogenize or reorganize class names great degree.

so...just larn live it. it's historical fact, , not alter soon.

python datetime


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