actionscript 3 - sendToURL not working in flashplayer 14 -

actionscript 3 - sendToURL not working in flashplayer 14 -

this piece of code working in flashplayer 11 it's not working in flashplayer 14.

as3 code :

private function savepdf(pdfbinary:bytearray, urlstring:string):void{ try{ //result comes binary, create new url request , pass server var header:urlrequestheader = new urlrequestheader("content-type", "application/octet-stream"); var sendrequest:urlrequest = new urlrequest(urlstring); sendrequest.requestheaders.push(header); sendrequest.method =; = pdfbinary; sendtourl(sendrequest); } grab (e:error) { // handle error here trace("error in savepdf "+e.message); trace("stacktrace : "+e.getstacktrace()); } }

and these errors got :

error in savepdf error #3769: security sandbox violation: simple headers can used navigatetourl() or sendtourl(). stacktrace : securityerror: error #3769: security sandbox violation: simple headers can used navigatetourl() or sendtourl(). @ global/ @ export2publish/savepdf()[my_project_dir\src\export2publish.mxml:158] @ export2publish/generatepdf()[my_project_dir\src\export2publish.mxml:386] @ export2publish/geturl()[my_project_dir\src\export2publish.mxml:138] @ export2publish/___export2publish_application1_creationcomplete()[my_project_dir\src\export2publish.mxml:3] @ @ @ mx.core::uicomponent/dispatchevent()[my_framework_dir\src\mx\core\] @ mx.core::uicomponent/set initialized()[my_framework_dir\src\mx\core\] @ mx.managers::layoutmanager/dophasedinstantiation()[my_framework_dir\src\mx\managers\] @ function/ @ mx.core::uicomponent/calllaterdispatcher2()[my_framework_dir\src\mx\core\] @ mx.core::uicomponent/calllaterdispatcher()[my_framework_dir\src\mx\core\]

any prepare issue ?

you can start using try , catch :

try { sendtourl(request); } grab (e:error) { // handle error here }

if problem not visible on dev environment, recommand install flash debug player can download here : flash player downloads see kind of error code fire.

if code fine, in dev , prod environment, should debug server side script.

actionscript-3 flex actionscript flex3


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