reporting services - Multiplication between two TextBox values in SSRS Reports -

reporting services - Multiplication between two TextBox values in SSRS Reports -

how multiply [howmanytrucks] , textbox11 values , store in textbox33.

[howmanytrucks] field dataset. textbox11 value calculated subtracting [baseprice] , [discountvalue]

to requesting, utilize next formula in textbox33: =sum(fields!howmanytrucks.value) * reportitems!textbox11.value

that beingness said, urge move both values in textbox11 , textbox33 dataset calculated columns.

select howmanytrucks ,baseprice ,discountvalue ,baseprice - discountvalue pertruckdiscountedprice ,(baseprice - discountvalue) * howmanytrucks totaldiscountedprice ordertable

managing ssrs reports in long term gets more hard start adding in formulas cells. method, if need alter logic these cells, can in dataset , cascade other parts of study logic might used.

reporting-services ssrs-2008 report ssrs-2008-r2


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