Is it possible to import Magento Products using MAGMI from the a script while specifying a single profile, but with multiple import files -

Is it possible to import Magento Products using MAGMI from the a script while specifying a single profile, but with multiple import files -

is possible import magento products using magmi script specifying single profile, multiple import files?

for example, have hundreds of brands - each own import file. can write simple script loop through list of import files , phone call magmi.php single profile (all of new imports utilize same profile) , utilize respective brand import file parameter?

instead having create profile each brand...:

php magmi.cli.php -profile=brand1importnew -mode=xcreate

i utilize single profile, loop through each brand in script , specify brand (or import file) parameter:

php magmi.cli.php -profile=importnew -mode=xcreate -file=brand1.csv

does ability exist within magmi?

magmi can import 1 file @ time. can instead utilize simple bash script loop through set of csv files , run magmi cli each file.

create file named

in file, paste following:

#!/bin/bash files=/path/to/import/*.csv f in $files echo "running magmi import file: $f" php magmi.cli.php -profile=importnew -mode=xcreate -csv:filename="${f}" wait done change /path/to/import/ directory containing csv import files. save in same directory magmi.cli.php now run file using command sh shell.

the file loop through csv files , run php magmi.cli.php ... command each file finds.

magento import profile magmi


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