ruby on rails - Git: Merge test repository into master repository -

ruby on rails - Git: Merge test repository into master repository -

i new git/heroku/ror, know basics of these technologies.

i have git repository repoa has 2 branches, master , feature.

i continued working on repoa/feature , upon completion, because changes huge decided launch separate app on heroku test them first.

so deployed repoa/feature repotest/feature on heroku. made fixes feature , finalized code in repotest/feature.

another developer made commits in repoa/master during time.

now want create repotest/feature live , merge repoa/master. please help me how can ?

note: have tried doing git rebase master did nil after long manual conflict resolve exercise.

as below steps operations: 1. git checkout repoa/feature 2. git fetch repotest/feature; git merge repotest/feature repoa/feature; git stash 3. git checkout repoa/master; git pull origin 4. git checkout repoa/feature; git rebase repoa/master (maybe here should resolve conflicts); git stash pop 5. git status; git commit -am ""; git force origin

ruby-on-rails git heroku git-merge git-rebase


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