c# - Will PropertyInfo from Expression be equal to PropertyInfo from GetProperties() -

c# - Will PropertyInfo from Expression be equal to PropertyInfo from GetProperties() -

i know typeof(t) == typeof(t) true because type objects static , 1 type instance exists per class type (if wrong, please right me...i have several programs function on assumption).

i having hard time finding in documentation whether or not propertyinfo objects exhibit same property.

my application this:

i have reflector<t> class takes result typeof(t).getproperties(...) , stores resulting propertyinfo objects keys in dictionary.

separately, have look parser attempts parse look describing access of property of type func<t, tresult> (e.g. t => t.someproperty t beingness t.gettype() , tresult beingness type of someproperty). after computation, propertyinfo object coming memberexpression.member passed expression.

the resulting propertyinfo used key in dictionary.trygetvalue phone call additional info property stored in reflector<t>'s dictionary.


can assured propertyinfo comes memberexpression.member equal (==) propertyinfo same property returned type.getproperties or there 2 different propertyinfo instances in actuality refer same property on same type?

for purpose of discussion, may assumed property non-virtual or not overridden if virtual.

based on reference source code, should be. propertyinfo instance beingness obtained matching type.

c# reflection types lambda


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