ruby - using NSJSONSerialization in RubyMotion -

ruby - using NSJSONSerialization in RubyMotion -

i'm using rubymotion , trying serialize object json. i'm not getting error message causes app crash.

class foo attr_accessor :name end e = testitem = = "test" testjson = nsjsonserialization.datawithjsonobject(testitem, options:0, error: e)

can see if im using class correctly? (or know alternative)

there nil wrong call. problem data. top level object in testitem must nsarray or nsdictionary.

you can utilize rubymotion arrays , hashes since array < nsmutablearray < nsarray , hash < nsmutabledictionary < nsdictionary.

try these sample testitems call:

testitem = ["test"] testitem = {"names" => ["fred", "joe", "mike"], "ages" => [17, 63, 28]}

from nsjsonserialization.h:

/* class converting json foundation objects , converting foundation objects json. object may converted json must have next properties: - top level object nsarray or nsdictionary - objects nsstring, nsnumber, nsarray, nsdictionary, or nsnull - dictionary keys nsstrings - nsnumbers not nan or infinity */

ruby rubymotion


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