Mule ESB: Is it possible to start 2 instances of the Mule ESB -

Mule ESB: Is it possible to start 2 instances of the Mule ESB -

i created 2 sepaerate directories in installed standalone mule esb server:

/ee/mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-hf1 /ee2/mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-hf1

i start first server, , below status:

[root@x240perf2 mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-hf1]# ./ mmc running pid=1998. mule enterprise edition running pid=2619.

then seek start sec instance:

[root@x240perf2 mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-hf1]# ./ port 8585 in use, please create available , seek again.

so apparently port 8585 beingness used original instnace

so stop first instnace, , start sec istance, comes successfully, follows:

./ please come in desired port mule [default 7777]: starting mmc, please wait... class com.sun.jersey.multipart.impl.multipartconfigprovider class com.sun.jersey.multipart.impl.multipartreader class com.sun.jersey.multipart.impl.multipartwriter [11-13 16:49:19] warn httpsessionsecuritycontextrepository [http-bio-8585-exec-1]: failed create session, response has been committed. unable store securitycontext. [11-13 16:49:32] warn httpmethodbase [http-bio-8585-exec-12]: going buffer response body of big or unknown size. using getresponsebodyasstream instead recommended. [11-13 16:49:38] warn httpsessionsecuritycontextrepository [http-bio-8585-exec-12]: failed create session, response has been committed. unable store securitycontext. nov 13, 2014 4:49:50 pm org.apache.catalina.core.standardserver await info: valid shutdown command received via shutdown port. stopping server instance. nov 13, 2014 4:49:50 pm org.apache.coyote.abstractprotocol pause info: pausing protocolhandler ["http-bio-8585"]

but notice seems using 8585 tomcat (of know little about, except sort of app server, never used it)

i examined site:

but nto discuss issue., , page points not seem current. did misunderstand something

is possible run 2 separate instances of mule esb @ same time

and if so, how ? (how alter port using, file should modify)


edit: sec post in response answer:

(btw: using mule esb standalone enterprise edition 3.5.2)

to create sure did not have apps running on port 8585, shutdown original instance, , created 2 new instances, , made sure no apps deployed either instance.

i brought first instance without issue, sec instance brought still gives me port 8585 in utilize error (from

this site says mmc default port 7777, tomcat default port on runs 8585

i used next command find files within sec instance of por t 8585

find . -type f |xargs grep "8585

other log files got 2 hits , /mmc-3.5.2-hf1/apache-tomcat-7.0.52/conf/server.xml

i did not find in either instance $mule_home/apps/mmc/mule-config.xml (probably because have no apps deployed)

in server.xml, mmc apparently uses tomcat handle mmc applicaiton, , server.xml contains following:

<connector port="8585" protocol="http/1.1"

so guess alter 8585 8586 @ point, ...

the has serveral (about 9 or 10) hardcode dreferences 8585 check mmc running , take action if or not running

so have alter entire replace 8585 8586 sec instance alter server.xml port 8585 reference ?


you can run many instances want, long dont utilize same ports. looks deploying in port 8585, in sec instance have alter port. port beingness used in application developed , deployed in mule runtime?

also, if using mule runtime mmc agent activated, yo have alter port agent in sec instance. think can in /conf/wrapper.conf or passing startup script next parameter:

-dmule.mmc.bind.port=7778 (or port free).

mule esb


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