git - Why do I still have "Changed but not updated" files? -

git - Why do I still have "Changed but not updated" files? -

i have file modified:

$ git status # on branch master # changed not updated: # (use "git add together <file>..." update committed) # (use "git checkout -- <file>..." discard changes in working directory) # # modified: vw_static.vcxproj #

even after git reset --hard , git checkout -- vw_static.vcxproj.

git diff appears indicate whitespace (specifically, line termination) differences only.

$ git config core.autocrlf input $ git config --global core.autocrlf input

there no .git/info/attributes in project (and no global .gitattributes either).

i don't care line endings in project, , not interested in changing specific file (especially in committing related it).

all want git status reports tree unmodified.

how that?

the files commited dos line ending repo. seek this:

git config core.autocrlf false rm .git/index git reset --hard dos2unix file1 dos2unix file2 git commit -m "ensure files commited unix line endings" file1 file2 git config core.autocrlf input git status



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