angularjs - Deciding on Ionicframework -

angularjs - Deciding on Ionicframework -

i have few queries on selecting ionic framework our hybrid app project. since have not used ionic before, few queries may seem idiotic. request share thoughts.

q1. how easy customize ionic components per project requirement in both javascript , css level?

q2. how much overhead ionic components create in terms of dom, memory usage?

q3. in case of collection-repeat, want display 10 items out of 1000 items @ time. @ point in time say, there 10 divs , new info injected in previous created divs?

q4. say, have selected ionic our project don't need ui or other components in it. ionic gives flexibility exclude components framework , utilize rest?

q5. how easy include external library ionic if required?

q6. how easy debug , ionic app , tools available?

q1. since ionic based on scss, it's easy customize visual aspects. i did video working scss , ionic. javascript side of things, if know how work directives, should good.

q2. ionic aims maintain dom nice , lean, , not alter dom jquery. far memory usage, depends on code write. still need write code create sure there aren't memory leaks where.

q3. collection-repeat doesn't work way. plus when start dealing different screen heights, it's not going easy deal with. best why we've come deal render how ever many take fill view.

q4. @ moment no, if start project cli, whole bundle. downwards road we're thinking breaking things external components, it's not set yet.

q5. it's angular, if have angular directive want include, process simple. include script tag , inject module dependency. if it's not angular module, it's bit more work wrap in directive, there plenty of tutorials out there help.

q6. best thing remember we're dealing webview, can lot of debugging right chrome on desktop. if need more debugging 1 time you're on device, ios lets debug right safari on desktop, , android 4.4+ let's debug app on device chrome.

angularjs ionic-framework hybrid-mobile-app


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