c# - DropNet File upload fails permanently -

c# - DropNet File upload fails permanently -

i developing c# application should connect user`s dropbox using dropnet c# api. connect application this:

userlogin login=client.gettoken(); client.userlogin = login; string url = client.buildauthorizeurl(); connectform authorizer = new connectform(url); authorizer.showdialog(this); seek { userlogin accesstoken = client.getaccesstoken(); this.toolstripstatuslabel1.text = "connected"; } grab (dropboxexception exc) { client = new dropnetclient("api key", "api secret"); this.toolstripstatuslabel1.text = "error"; }

my toolstripstatuslabel displays "connected" after code part , after seek upload file (or create folder) this

client.uploadfile("/", "test.txt", file.readallbytes("c:/users/me/desktop/test.txt")); this.toolstripstatuslabel1.text = "file uploaded";

it displays "file uploaded" there still no files in dropbox.. dropbox api error log shows 403 errors without farther information.

does know whats wrong here?

i've found solution.

when register application "app-folder" permission have set client.usesandbox=true; straight after initalizing.

c# dropbox dropbox-api dropnet


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