java - How to convert ArrayList instanceObject to toString -

java - How to convert ArrayList instanceObject to toString -

i want convert instance of class in arraylist tostring have here code

user class:

public class user { // ... public void setname(string name) { this.fullname = name; } @override public string tostring() { homecoming this.fullname; } public arraylist<user> getthelikers() { arraylist<user> user = new arraylist<>(); user.add(this); homecoming user; }

post class:

public class post { public arraylist<user> getlikers() { user = new user(); arraylist<user> b = a.getthelikers(); homecoming b; }

and here code should getlikers()

while( { user = new user(); post b = new post(); string name = rs.getstring("people_who_like"); a.setname(name); arraylist c; c = b.getlikers(); string liker = c.tostring(); p.addelement(liker); }

i have convert tostring can see.. shows have display value in null

to convert arraylist string. question says.

arraylist c; c = b.getlikers(); string liker = ""; (string s : c){ liker += s + "\t"; }

java sql


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