c# - Errors with new MVC5 project in Visual Studio 2013.3 -

c# - Errors with new MVC5 project in Visual Studio 2013.3 -

wondering if else has experienced , solution if so. in visual studio 2013 create new asp.net web application, leaving defaults are

in next screen pick mvc, adding folders , core references mvc not other 2 options. authentication left @ individual user accounts , i've unchecked host in cloud option, shown below.

the project wizard completes , can see there 26 errors in before else.

the first prepare removes bunch of these errors views\account\ _setpasswordpartial.cshtml , _changepasswordpartial.cshtml files contain invalid models alter follows:

[my project name here webapplication1, substitute own value]

in _setpasswordpartial.cshtml: @model webapplication1.models.manageuserviewmodel @model webapplication1.models.setpasswordviewmodel

in file _changepasswordpartial.cshtml: @model microsoft.aspnet.identity.manageuserviewmodel @model webapplication1.models.changepasswordviewmodel

that drops me downwards 4 errors, spread across 4 files

1. line 68, managecontroller.cs

return view(linkedaccounts);

the view removelogin doesn't exist

2,3. there 2 errors _setpasswordpartial.cshtml , _changepasswordpartial.cshtml complaining not beingness able resolve manage action when debug , visit urls in browser work fine suspect they're in route table somewhere. have r# installed can wrong if that's case.

4. lastly 1 _removeaccountpartial.cshtml has error on line 15 complains not having disassociate action in business relationship controller, far can ascertain removing other authentication providers application.

now can prepare these adding required code doesn't sit down me templates don't work out of box. there fresh templates available or has done canonical write-up on how template humming before commence work on it?

edit 2014-11-13 i've applied vs2013.4 , these issues appear fixed part of it. if issue people suggest applying update.

i not know root cause of these problems after playing project next seems bring consistent state:

remove views\account\_setpasswordpartial.cshtml remove views\account\_changepasswordpartial.cshtml remove views\account\_removeaccountpartial.cshtml

all these have counterparts under manage controller. , finally:

remove removelogin() action method managecontroller. create sure remove method (lines 64 - 69), post 1 used. list of logins rendered managelogins action.

c# asp.net asp.net-mvc razor asp.net-mvc-5


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