meteor - MongoDB replicate / master slave without remove transaction -
meteor - MongoDB replicate / master slave without remove transaction -
i have meteor , mongodb project, , consisted mongodb 2 replica set.
what want create secondary db backup system. means, want maintain secondary data, if primary db removed user.
the secondary replica set's info removed when primary's info removed , couldn't find method prevent this, , think master / slave same replica.
is there solution or application this?
thanks in advance-
first of all: master/slave replication considered deprecated , removed in future versions. shouldn't utilize more. has no advantages on running replica set 2 info bearing nodes , arbiter (except fact doesn't need arbiter, inexpensive in memory, disk , cpu usage).
second: replication of kind isn't replacement backup, enhances availability of data. more replica set, since failover , tailback automatic.
third: prevent databases beingness dropped, might want utilize authentication(to identify users) , authorization limit each individual user can do.
what might want insteadthat beingness said, might want utilize delayed replica set member, might give time react after fatal command issued, @ cost of info beingness outdated bit. still has more info availability info backup.
taking backupsi haven't used mms until (the amount of info had deal way big , mms wasn't cost efficient customers). have made experience taking lvm snapshots of xfs filesystems(which 1 of the recommended filesystems mongodb) backups: it's easy, fast, inexpensive , easy implement.
mongodb meteor
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