stored procedures - SQL Server : Insert Multiple Rows into Multiple Tables From Table Type Paramater -

stored procedures - SQL Server : Insert Multiple Rows into Multiple Tables From Table Type Paramater -

i'm trying write stored procedure takes in table type parameter , inserts 2 tables @ once.

i have entity table base of operations table holding id various tables, below entity table , sample site table.

------ entity table ------------------------------------------ | id | bigint | not null | identity(1,1) | primary key | typeid | tinyint | not null | | updated | datetime | null | | created | datetime | not null | | isactive | bit | not null | ------- site table --------------------------------------- | entityid | bigint | not null | primary key | producttypecode | nvarchar(8) | not null | primary key | suppliercode | nvarchar(8) | not null | primary key | name | nvarchar(128) | not null | | description | nvarchar(max) | null |

and here table type used pass stored procedure

------- site table type ---------------------------------- | entitytypeid | tinyint | not null | | producttypecode | nvarchar(8) | not null | primary key | suppliercode | nvarchar(8) | not null | primary key | name | nvarchar(128) | not null | | description | nvarchar(max) | null |

the thought pass in table type parameter stored procedure , insert multiple rows @ 1 time save looping inserting 1 row @ time.

here's have far

create procedure insertsites @sites sitetypetable readonly begin -- insert entity & site tables here, using id entity table in site table insert entity (typeid, updated, created, isactive) output [inserted].[id], s.producttypecode, s.suppliercode,, s.description site select entitytypeid, null, getdate(), 1 @sites s end

i've read using insert , output cannot work. i've read merge cannot work.

any help or pointers can give appreciated.



---- edit ----

could this? i'm not sure how finish off...

create procedure insertsites @sites sitetypetable readonly begin -- first insert plenty rows entity table, saving inserted ids table variable declare @insertedoutput table (entityid bigint) insert entity (typeid, updated, created, isactive) output [inserted].[id] @insertedoutput select entitytypeid, null, getdate(), 1 @sites s -- utilize ids in @insertedoutput against rows in @sites insert sites end

sql-server stored-procedures


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