jquery - jqGrid toolbar buttons alternate with html buttons -

jquery - jqGrid toolbar buttons alternate with html buttons -

i have jqgrid. @ footer of there 3 default icons add, delete , edit records(they not inline edit/add/delete). have created html navigation bar , in bar have placed 3 button named add, edit , delete. want mentioned edit/add/delete operation has complex options. means not normal delete/edit operation. that's why have created add,delete,edit options separately , placed them reference in pager section below.

navgrid( '#gridpager', { view: true, add: true, edit: true, del: true, search: true, closeonescape:true }, editparams, // default settings edit newparams, // default settings add together deleteparams , ....

after have added click event customized buttons -

$("#editbutton").click(function() { var gr = jquery("#gridtable").jqgrid('getgridparam', 'selrow'); alert(gr); if (gr != null) jquery("#gridtable").jqgrid('editgridrow', gr, editparams); else alert("please select row"); })

now problem is. when using both edit buttons i'm finding not working perfectly. missing or doing wrong. suggestion helpful me.

please have on attached image getting thought i'm trying achieve.

i solved problem adding next configuration -

$.extend($.jgrid.edit, { recreateform: true });

now both default edit button , custom edit button works perfectly.

jquery jqgrid


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