regex - PHP - Replace exact match preg_replace -

regex - PHP - Replace exact match preg_replace -

i'm trying implement very simple pdo bindvalue() function. (just educational purpose)

so, first in "frontend" code, have sql query :

insert logs values (:referer, :id_cookie, :id_cookie_com);

and code looks :

$stmt->bindvalue(':referer', 'test'); $stmt->bindvalue(':id_cookie', 'test2'); $stmt->bindvalue(':id_cookie_com', 'test3');

i'm splitting query, , i'm getting parameters begins ":" in array, works well.

array ( [0] => :referer [1] => :id_cookie [2] => :id_cookie_com )

but, when seek replace parameters in query, i'm facing little problem.

if :

public function bindparam($parameter, $variable, $type = null) { $this->sql = preg_replace('/'.$parameter.'/', $variable, $this->sql); }

i'm getting result :

insert logs values (test, test2, test3_com)

i can't manage remove _com @ end of query. know why it's here, it's because preg_replace, matches id_cookie in array, , have variable begins id_cookie.

how can manage create preg_replace() replacing entire word ?

use word boundary:

$this->sql = preg_replace("/$parameter\b/", $variable, $this->sql); // here __^^

php regex preg-replace


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