html - Iframe with another iframe -

html - Iframe with another iframe -

i want extract result of checking code. website display in code. marked in source code.

<div id="ember332" class="ember-view backarrowcontainer"> <div id="purchasemeta"> <h2 class="flowstatus"> uŻyj kodu prepaid </h2> <div class="gamertag"> <div class="title"> <script id="metamorph-2-start" type="text/x-placeholder"> ***code status want extract*** <script id="metamorph-2-end" type="text/x-placeholder"> </div> <div class="price"> kod prepaid </div> </div>

it avaible when go site:

i want extract code status displayed when website go adres. think can avaible when can utilize in html don't know how. please help me extract status.

you can't extract within of iframe. there cannot interaction parent iframe. there can, therefore, interaction between iframe , parent, since not owner of iframe's webpage, not case.

it's security issue. people scammed if wasn't way. example, designing full-page iframe bank webpage , retrieving user types... or designing 1x1px iframe facebook page see if user logged on fb , check his/her personal information.

you can utilize server-side language, such php , html of webpage using file_get_contents()

html iframe


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