javascript - Get transaction record type name in netsuite using suitescript -

javascript - Get transaction record type name in netsuite using suitescript -

i have requirement show transaction record types name in dropdown. how can transaction record types name using suitescript. there inbuilt apis or thought can help.

i don't see dynamic way transaction type here list of transaction types in netsuite (and corresponding ids):

assembly build - build assembly unbuild - unbuild bill - vendbill bill ccard - vendcard bill credit - vendcred bill payment - vendpymt cash refund - cashrfnd cash sale - cashsale ccard refund - cardrfnd check - check commission - commissn credit card - cardchrg credit memo - custcred currency revaluation - fxreval client deposit - custdep client refund - custrfnd deposit - deposit deposit application - depappl expense study - exprept inventory adjustment - invadjst inventory worksheet - invwksht invoice - custinvc item fulfillment - itemship item receipt - itemrcpt journal - journal liability adjustment - liaadjst chance - opprtnty paycheck - paycheck payment - custpymt payroll adjustment - ytdadjst payroll liability check - liabpymt purchase order - purchord quote - estimate homecoming authorization - rtnauth sales order - salesord sales taxation payment - taxpymt statement charge - custchrg tegata payable - tegpybl tegata receivables - tegrcvbl transfer - transfer work order - workord

javascript api netsuite


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