javascript - Error using spread with Q.all -

javascript - Error using spread with Q.all -

i utilize q.all in conjunction spread in order migrate 2 promise.then beingness simultaneously performed on successful resolution of promise:

var p1=112; var p2=function(data){ console.log(data); homecoming getformdatawithdropdown(objtype,scenario); }; var guidrequest=processguidrequest(); if(!q.ispromise(guidrequest)) { guidrequest=q(guidrequest); } guidrequest.all([p1,p2]) .spread(function(geoval,formval){ console.log(geoval); console.log(formval); }).done();

p1 value , p2 function returns function called getformdatawithdropdown returns promise or value based on resolution of chained set of promises.however error when run code:

uncaught typeerror: function.prototype.apply: arguments list has wrong type

the error occurs in function:

promise.prototype.spread = function (fulfilled, rejected) { homecoming this.all().then(function (array) { homecoming fulfilled.apply(void 0, array);//error occurs here }, rejected);


there serious mistakes in code (and bit fault in q, .all apparently accomplishes homecoming non-arrays).

all not take callback. sole argument either array, or promise array. can called either static method:


or method on promise (the promise array):

q([…]) .all()

now, array (wherever comes from) needs contain promises - promises awaited then. passing number , function. should wrap plain value in promise q(p1) (even if not strict necessary), , need phone call function gives promise (and if it's function function say, need phone call twice).

if want wait guidrequest, need callback function - if want or not.

notice q.ispromise on guidrequest unnecessary, seek cast q.

var v1=112; function f2(data){ console.log(data); homecoming getformdatawithdropdown(objtype,scenario); }; var guidrequest = q(processguidrequest()); guidrequest.then(function(guid) { var p1 = q(v1), p2 = f2(guid); // promises here! homecoming q.all([p1, p2]); }).spread(function(geoval,formval){ console.log(geoval); console.log(formval); }).done();

alternatively, have written return [p1, p2] , automatically have been awaited spread.

javascript browser promise q


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