Replicating Ant 'targets' in Maven -

Replicating Ant 'targets' in Maven -

i know question has been asked, responses have read have not given me advice need, apologies if reply out there buried somewhere , haven't found it.

i deploying our scheme using maven, , total deployment take several steps, in order. if alter made middle step, step , it's dependent steps needs redeployed. steps time consuming, , deploying scratch (currently ~35 minutes) painful. (for interested, there remote database deployment, followed creation , deployment of 2 base of operations docker images , several docker image/containers.)

the deployment steps "copy these files remote server scp, run command via sshexec". such, long single ant task these steps.

if using ant proper, i'd able specify targets , way. i'm not unfamiliar maven, don't know proper idiomatic way of dealing sort of process. i've seen suggest using profiles , seems suitable solution, there 1 step haven't been able duplicate.

say have 5 steps, step 1, 2, 3, 4, , 5. 5 depends on 4, 4 on 3, etc. can have profile step each, , run mvn -p 1,2,3,4,5 need. if create alter 3, run mvn -p 3,4,5, problem there many more steps, not numbered , moving target @ moment other developers build our product.

is there way, using profiles or otherwise, me , developers mvn -p stepx , profile set in step "x" "run profile x, y, z" ?

many thanks, mitch.

maven ant maven-profiles maven-ant-tasks


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