Android Studio first project creation/run errors (Gradle failing to complete execution) -

Android Studio first project creation/run errors (Gradle failing to complete execution) -

i new android development , trying create , run first tutorial app (being output of hello world).

when first create project , loads receive next error:

failed finish gradle execution. cause: fatal exception has occurred. programme exit.

this error occurs whenever seek run pre-made programme outputs hello world.

i next message in run tab:

waiting device. target device: samsung-sch_i545-(more numbers) uploading file local path: c:\users\(user)\androidstudioprojects\myapplication\app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk remote path: /data/local/tmp/com.example.myfirstapp.myapplication local path doesn't exist.

i choosing take running device alternative because when seek launch emulator , create 1 alternative select scheme image shows have none go install latest version... read , agree android sdk licences installed receive next error:

loading sdk information... refresh sources: fetched add-ons list refresh sources ignoring unknown bundle filter 'sys-img-x86-android-wear-21' installing archives: preparing install archives skipping 'android tv intel x86 atom scheme image, android api 21, revision 1'; depends on 'sdk platform android 5.0, api 21, revision 1' not installed. skipping 'intel x86 atom scheme image, android api 21, revision 1'; depends on 'sdk platform android 5.0, api 21, revision 1' not installed. done. nil installed.

any help much appreciated, trying first pre-made project run can start moving on next steps.

this error come project done next steps:-

file->invalidate caches/restart->invalidate , restart

this restart android studio clearing caches.i fixed same problem doing seek should help you.thank you..

android android-studio android-gradle


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