pointers - Explanation of specific part in a diagram -

pointers - Explanation of specific part in a diagram -

i understand besides lastly line. more (:x y) part. why pointing 10? sure... first element in y supposed pointing whole thing (10 , 20) or 20? give thanks you!

in clojure, symbols : prefix keywords. official docs. keywords when used functions have same behavior get. intention of (:x y) (get y :x).

if assume there's (deftype double [x y]) in programme doesn't appear in image, means in lastly form sec element of tripple type field :x or .x of double y, beingness value (double. 10, 20). can test @ repl if want...

user> (defrecord mydouble [x y]) user.mydouble user> (defrecord mytripple [x y z]) user.mytripple user> (def x (mydouble. 10 20)) #'user/x user> (def y (mydouble. x 40)) #'user/y user> (def z (mytripple. x (:x y) y)) #'user/z user> z #user.mytripple{:x #user.mydouble{:x 10, :y 20}, :y #user.mydouble{:x 10, :y 20}, :z #user.mydouble{:x #user.mydouble{:x 10, :y 20}, :y 40}} user> (:x y) #user.mydouble{:x 10, :y 20}

pointers clojure


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