groovy - Jenkins Jelly template string var into html -

groovy - Jenkins Jelly template string var into html -

so im working on jenkis , creating jelly template email success/fail part...

so have code , thing able ${cause.shortdescription} variable render without &ld; , " anyway used util lib jelly, problem how include text rest of template jenkins jelly template engine knows html , not string ideas how convert ${res} html

<j:foreach var="cause" items="${build.causes}" > <util:tokenize delim="*" escapetext="false" var= "tokens"> ${cause.shortdescription} </util:tokenize> <j:foreach var="token" items="${tokens}" > <tr> <td> <j:set var="res" value="${token}"/> ${res} <---this guy read string when in fact html </td> </tr> </j:foreach> </j:foreach>

when inspect result firebug this:

<td> "all html code :o:@ here!!!!" <--- string </td>

update: have tryed < j:out , this still no joy.... knows how can utilize ${cause} token outside of groovy or jelly realm or way concatenate html not string representation shows links correctly.... or way of getting list of causes can build html in template... in jelly script tips


where finish list of assets available build? able customize html

or other thought on how solve much appreciated :d

groovy jenkins jelly email-ext


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