javascript - ng-if wrapping a select ng-options breaks ngModel? -

javascript - ng-if wrapping a select ng-options breaks ngModel? -

this question has reply here:

angularjs ng-model doesn't work within ng-if 5 answers

this plunker angular ngoptions sample:

ngoption/select angular sample

however, added ngif first select resulting in:

<div ng-if="1<2"> color (null not allowed): <select ng-model="mycolor" ng-options=" color in colors"></select><br> </div>

something interesting may notice ngif breaks ngmodel binding , nil happens when alter selection.

because same code without ngif produces expected results.

can please confirm if bug in angular, code and/or if there work around it?

using ng-if directive creates new scope dom within it. reference mycolor variable on parent scope, write ng-model="$parent.mycolor"

<div ng-if="1<2"> color (null not allowed): <select ng-model="$parent.mycolor" ng-options=" color in colors"></select><br> </div>

javascript angularjs


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