c# - How to add a custom time picker in a Windows Phone 8.1 app? -

c# - How to add a custom time picker in a Windows Phone 8.1 app? -

i have implemented time input length of time in application using textbox , parsing string timespan object.

//assign text box string value time span variable. timespan worktm = timespan.parseexact(wrkstring, @"hh\ \:\ mm\ \:\ ss\ \:\ fff", cultureinfo.invariantculture);

but i'm wondering how can add together time picker command below image application. don't see available command in toolbox.

is custom command utilize , how implemented?

if you're making silverlight windows phone 8.1 app, need utilize timepicker command silverlight windows phone toolkit.

read more timepicker , datepicker controls silverlight windows phone toolkit here.

if you're making winrt windows phone 8.1 app, there's timepicker command included in sdk. (yaay!)

comes downwards using this: (silverlight)

<toolkit:timepicker value="{binding date}” />

or: (winrt)

<timepicker time="{binding time}"/>

more info migrating 1 includes subtle differences can found on shawn's blog.

c# windows-phone-8.1 timepicker timespan


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