ruby - Loading Firefox profile settings from a JSON file to use in Cucumber testing -

ruby - Loading Firefox profile settings from a JSON file to use in Cucumber testing -

i'm trying create json config file firefox profile setting , load every time fire browser run our cucumber tests. untimely have different configs different browsers. can't figure out how set firefox utilize settings. have is:


{ "profile[\"\"]": 2, "profile[\"\"]": true, "profile[\"\"]": "@@export_download_directory", "profile[\"browser.helperapps.neverask.savetodisk\"]": "\"application/zip, text/html, application/, message/rfc822, application/vnd.sealed.eml, text/plain, application/, text/csv, text/comma-separated-values, applicatioan/octet-stream\"", "profile.secure_ssl": true, "profile.assume_untrusted_certificate_issuer": false }

and need incorporate somehow in code:

browserprofile = json.parse('config/firefox.json')) profile = driver = selenium::webdriver.for :firefox, profile: profile browser =

ruby json firefox hash selenium-webdriver


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