Java Servlet usage -

Java Servlet usage -

i have many java stand lone applications running on multiple clients computer systems @ “any given time”. these java stand lone applications shall interface resin 3.x server install app on hdd or upload study info server-side db...

also, @ “any given time”, end user may interface resin 3.x server via web page designed purchase application or web page dynamically view application report...

my objective maintain these client-server interface simple possible. far, in design, have not used jsp or jpa or java beans...

i have specified set of “servlet commands” [17] designed accomplish above client - server interfaces. simple ‘get’ , ‘put’ commands / 3 server-side db’s...

i have designed 3 “session” servlets [db_servlet, application_servlet, html_servlet] , allocated 17 “servlet commands” accordingly...

the “session” servlets shall utilize ‘servlet.init’ method found exclusive session. exclusive session shall destroyed 1 time app or html objectives achieved...

btw: shall using ‘java ee 5’ , ‘resin 3.x server’ comply requirements isp may employee host system...

in effort “keep simple” have overlooked anything?

java servlets
