javascript - How does one parse an object with points (.) included in the keys to an multi leveled object? -

javascript - How does one parse an object with points (.) included in the keys to an multi leveled object? -

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how 1 parse object points (.) included in keys multi leveled object?


{ "data.firstname": "john", "data.lastname": "doe", "": "" }

expected result:

{ data: { firstname: "john", lastname: "doe", email: "" } }

ps: can find collections in mongodb's find query, couldn't find how it, hence question.

you like:

var info = { "data.firstname": "john", "data.lastname": "doe", "": "" } var result = {}; object.keys(data).foreach(function (key) { var value = data[key]; var keyparent = key.split(".")[0]; var keychild = key.split(".")[1]; if(!result[keyparent]){ result[keyparent] = {}; } result[keyparent][keychild] = value; });

and result object results looking for.

javascript mongodb


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