IDLE restarts when some of rpy2 modules are imported -

IDLE restarts when some of rpy2 modules are imported -

i quite novice both python , r, apologize in advance if asking extremely obvious or stupid.

i downloaded , installed rpy2. when attempted import rpy2.tests idle restarted. same happens bundle content except rinterface , rlike.

i don't if it's relevant , beforehand tried installing rpy2 pip , easy_install kept giving me errors ("typeerror: startswitch first arg must bytes, not str" , "typeerror: 'permissionerror' object not subscriptable" respectively).

python 3.4 r 3.1.1

thank you

>>> import rpy2

import rpy2.interactive

================================ restart ================================ import rpy2.ipython

================================ restart ================================ import rpy2.rinterface

import rpy2.rlike

import rpy2.robjects

================================ restart ================================ import rpy2.rpy_classic

================================ restart ================================ import rpy2.tests

================================ restart ================================ import rpy2.tests_rpy_classic

================================ restart ================================

python-idle rpy2
