css - Font Awesome 4.2 -

css - Font Awesome 4.2 -

i have been using font-awesome 3.2.1 in project. wish upgrade font-awesome 4.2. please guide me how start with? add together font-awesome 4.2 css file project , seems not able view fonts in project. thought on should have 4.2 version fonts in project.

there excellent wiki set of changes between 3.2.1 , 4.2

this includes

a new default syntax: changing icon fa new icon names other class changes

it encountering first bullet point change.

the new format is:

<i class="fa fa-camera-retro fa-lg"></i> fa-lg

previous format

<i class="icon-camera-retro icon-large"></i> icon-camera-retro

css fonts font-awesome


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