Oracle SQL Output to Excel - Date format issue -

Oracle SQL Output to Excel - Date format issue -

i ran sql query oracle consists of invoice date , check date. when these info copied on excel spreadsheet text, it's dispayed ex: "13-10-31" (oct 31, 2013). however, when converted date format, it's displayed "10/13/1931". i've tried different date types recognizes first part of text day, month, year. need these values setup date format need calculate days payable outstanding , other related ratios.

is there way convert these values excel recognizes day, month, , year correctly? there macro automate process existing info , info added in future?

thank in advance.

firstly, hope info type of date column date. secondly, date should have year yyyy , not yy. world has learned y2k bug.

if above 2 points met, while displaying utilize to_char(date_column, 'mm/dd/yyyy'). thus, yyyy format, there won't confusion between year , other fields.

excel oracle excel-vba


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