Control which library dependency exported in SBT -

Control which library dependency exported in SBT -

i looking way command library dependency exported, , not. along lines:

"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % "1.7.6" donotexport

or perhaps @ point project imported, this:

lazy val main = project(appname, file("."), settings = buildsettings) .dependson(projectref(uri("../utils"), "utils").exceptlibrarydependency(organization="org.slf4j"))

is there in sbt?

well, depends on configurations. default configurations expose dependencies again. similar behavior can achieved this:

val compileonly = config("compileonly").hide ivyconfigurations += compileonly unmanagedclasspath in compile ++= "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % "1.7.6" % compileonly

note technique descibed in reply add compile time dependency in sbt.

this question should closed duplicate, bounty prevents this.



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