image - IOS - gif file was saved as jpeg -

image - IOS - gif file was saved as jpeg -

i downloaded gif image network using afnetworking 2.0 save photographic camera roll using alassetslibrary

[assetslibrary writeimagetosavedphotosalbum:[responseobject cgimage] orientation:(alassetorientation)[responseobject imageorientation] completionblock:^(nsurl *asseturl, nserror *error) { if (error) { [app showalertwithtitle:@"error" message:@"save message failed"]; } else { [app showalertwithtitle:@"success" message:@"saved success"]; } }];

then tried retrieve image photographic camera using uiimagepickerviewcontroller, image retrieved not gif image jpeg image reference url:

uiimagepickercontrollerreferenceurl = "assets-library://asset/asset.jpg?id=2e7c87e4-5853-4946-b86b-cc8aaf094307&ext=jpg";

i don't know whether fault alassetslibrary or uiimagepickerviewcontroller , how surpass it

the photo library not back upwards gifs.

it has back upwards phassetmediatypeimage (a jpg), phassetmediatypevideo (a mov), or phassetmediatypeaudio (probably m4a, not sure here).

ios image gif


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