ios - Cannot connect IBOutlet of UIView declared in protocol to a xib entity -

ios - Cannot connect IBOutlet of UIView declared in protocol to a xib entity -

i have iboutlet declared in protocol:

@protocol someprotocol <nsobject> @property (nonatomic, strong) iboutlet uiview* view; @end

then there class inherits protocol:

//.h @interface someclass : nsobject <someprotocol> @end //.m @implementation tsnfactoryviews @synthesize view = _view; @ned

and in xib file set someclass class owner expect see view outlet , connect appropriate xib instance.

in xcode 4 had no issue concept. since xcode 5, view disappears sometime , in xcode 6 has disappeared, strangely has disappeared in xib files, application can compile , run without issue.

the problem have new xib files because can not setup relationship. looks bug me.


the someclass in case mill class generates view instances or/and keeps instances of view. way several years without issue. connection bullet on left iboutlet uiview view;* disappeared. have many xib files file owners set single mill class (in post someclass) generating custom views.

a protocol lays out design needs in class. declaring iboutlet in protocol not magically add together property class adheres protocol.

you have add together iboutlet uiview* interface of someclass, able connect it.

additionally, makes no sense @ declare iboutlet in protocol. protocol should declare interface or api - means of implementation should class adhering protocol. hence questionable declare properties @ all, should rather declare methods (getters or setters).

in case means, add together protocol:

- (uiview*)view;

and class someclass can take implement via property this:

@property (nonatomic, strong) iboutlet uiview* view;

ios xcode6 protocols xib iboutlet


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