java - Get device names connected on RS232 port -

java - Get device names connected on RS232 port -

we developing java web application , must read barcodes. using barcode reader called gryphon , works properly. able read barcodes java. using rxtx api (similar javacomm).

but know how device name connected rs232 port. if computer of user had several devices connected different rs232 ports, want hear on port barcode reader connected. how distinguish device connected in each rs232 port?

with next code port names (com1, com3, com5, ...)

enumeration<commportidentifier> pp= commportidentifier.getportidentifiers(); while (pp.hasmoreelements()) { system.out.println (pp.nextelement().getname()); }

i obtain "gryphon" or "serial port barcode scanner".


java serial-port rxtx java-communication-api


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