ssh - How to chain SOCKS proxies? -

ssh - How to chain SOCKS proxies? -

i have working socks proxy laptop (machine a) machine b:

[a]$ ssh -nd 8888 b

i can set firefox utilize socks proxy on local port 8888, , browsing works. far good.

but have socks proxy between machines b , c:

[b]$ ssh -nd 8157 c

so can browse on b if on c.

is there way chain 2 proxies i'm able utilize firefox locally (on a) while using connection c? is, somehow forwards firefox's socks requests way c. , c cannot see each other directly, have total root ssh access everywhere. machines debian.

note don't want forwards single port (like 80), want total chained socks proxy.

on machine b set dynamic proxy machine c

ssh -nd 8888 user@c

then on machine

ssh -l 8888:localhost:8888 user@b

this makes socks connection on machine b , makes machine b's port 8888 connect-able localhost port 8888 on machine a.

this may need 3 ssh connections open if can not straight connect machine b. if can connect machine b need 2 , can chain commands if needed.

ssh proxy socks


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