Django Rest Framework, HyperlinkedModelSerializers, ModelViewSets, and writable GenericForeignKeys: how? -

Django Rest Framework, HyperlinkedModelSerializers, ModelViewSets, and writable GenericForeignKeys: how? -

i've got model financialtransaction has typical content_type, object_id, , content_object fields set generic relations of other models.

i've figured out how serialize relation reading:

class financialtransactionserializer(serializers.hyperlinkedmodelserializer): content_object = serializers.serializermethodfield('get_content_obj_url') def get_content_obj_url(self, obj): obj = obj.content_object view_name = obj._meta.object_name.lower() + "-detail" s = serializers.hyperlinkedidentityfield(source=obj, view_name=view_name) s.initialize(self, none) homecoming s.field_to_native(obj, none) class meta: model = financialtransaction fields = ('id', 'value', 'date', 'memo', 'banking_account', 'content_object')

the viewset:

class financialtransactionviewset(viewsets.modelviewset): model = financialtransaction serializer_class = financialtransactionserializer

this creates hyperlink related object serialized representation when on view.

however, i'm kind of stuck on how create can post new financialtransaction existing related object.

ideally, work normal foreignkey can post like:

{"value": "200.00", "date": "2014-10-10", "memo": "repairs", "banking_account": "", "content_object": "" }

ok, reply own question...

i overrode restore_fields in own serializer this:

class financialtransactionserializer(serializers.hyperlinkedmodelserializer): content_object = serializers.serializermethodfield('get_content_obj_url') def get_content_obj_url(self, obj): obj = obj.content_object view_name = get_view_name(obj) s = serializers.hyperlinkedidentityfield(source=obj, view_name=view_name) s.initialize(self, none) homecoming s.field_to_native(obj, none) def restore_fields(self, data, files): content_object = none if 'content_object' in data: request = self.context.get('request') content_object = get_object_from_url(['content_object']) attrs = super(financialtransactionserializer, self).restore_fields(data, files) if content_object: attrs['content_object'] = content_object homecoming attrs class meta: model = financialtransaction fields = ('id', 'value', 'date', 'memo', 'banking_account', 'content_object') def get_model_from_url(url: str): homecoming resolve(urlparse(url).path).func.cls.model def get_object_from_url(url: str): model = get_model_from_url(url) pk = resolve(urlparse(url).path).kwargs.get('pk') if not pk: homecoming none homecoming model.objects.get(pk=pk)

this setup serializes objects content_object field contains hyperlink related object, , when post'ing view using serializer, , info includes content_object key, related object , pass on.

the attrs returned restore_fields used in restore_object method, , since looked content object , set in attrs, restore_object sets content_object attribute on financialtransaction object retrieved object , django takes care of rest.

so far downside can see doesn't add together content_object field browsable api...but i'm not sure how that'd work anyway since related objects provided in select, , don't think we'd want select populated every single object in our database.

django django-rest-framework


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