regex - What is differerent between using $subject and substr($subject,3) in example preg_match() in -

regex - What is differerent between using $subject and substr($subject,3) in example preg_match() in -

i read how utilize function preg_match in, don't know differerent between using $subject , substr($subject,3) in preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches, preg_offset_capture, 3) , preg_match($pattern, substr($subject,3), $matches, preg_offset_capture). please help me understand , check below function why homecoming empty array?

<?php $ch=curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch,curlopt_url,""); curl_setopt($ch,curlopt_returntransfer,true); $content = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $regex = '/<div class="tabbox" id="tabbox">(.*)<\/div>/'; preg_match($regex, $content, $matches, preg_offset_capture, 3); $table = $matches[1]; print_r($table); ?>

you obtain same result. if utilize substr, create new string nothing, when lastly parameter of preg_match inquire begin search @ particular offset of subject string.

the reason obtain empty result due fact . can't match newlines default. can alter behavior s modifier:

$regex = '~<div class="tabbox" id="tabbox">(.*?)</div>~s';

(note utilize of different modifier not have escape slashes. note utilize of non-greedy quantifier stop @ first occurence of </div>)

however, noticed in comments, extracting informations html document more easy combo domdocument/domxpath (depending of how looks document , trying do).

php regex


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