java - Constraints on core libraries in sbt -

java - Constraints on core libraries in sbt -

is there way create constraints on core libraries in sbt?

for example:

i don't want utilize java date class, there way create compilation errors/warnings direct imports these?

use wart remover. adapting illustration readme, should (untested)

import org.brianmckenna.wartremover.{warttraverser, wartuniverse} object javadate extends warttraverser { def apply(u: wartuniverse): u.traverser = { import u.universe._ val javadate: type = typeof[] val javacal: type = typeof[java.util.calendar] new traverser { override def traverse(tree: tree) { tree.tpe match { case javadate => u.error(tree.pos, " not allowed") case javacal => u.error(tree.pos, "java.util.calendar not allowed") case _ => } super.traverse(tree) } } } }

java scala sbt


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