Ruby yaml cannot read unicode -

Ruby yaml cannot read unicode -

i have settings.yml file elasticsearch , need inlcude this:

char_filter: arabic_normalization_extra: type: mapping mappings: [ "\x{670}=>ا", "ٰ=>ا", "ٱ=>ا", "آ=>ا", "ٖ=>ا" ]

ruby throws error , unhappy this:

psych::syntaxerror: (<unknown>): did not find expected hexdecimal number while parsing quoted scalar @ line 9 column 28

how can around this?


i used yam extensively unicode , works pretty well. utilize load utf-8 encoded file:

yaml::load(, 'r:utf-8'))

here have error when ruby tries parse \x{670}

\x escape sequence in ruby strings. used represent byte 2 digit hexadecimal number.

so \x followed { invalid , that's why ruby throws error.

a working illustration \x67 corresponds g

i think question inquire why have curly braces in string? , initial string before encoded in yaml file.

ruby-on-rails ruby


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