worklight client connect() to call ChallengeHandler -

worklight client connect() to call ChallengeHandler -

my understanding authentication mechanism provided worklight on-demand based - when accessing protected resources, client side challengehandler invoked.

however, encountering weird situation - challenge handler invoked long client side invokes wlclient::connect method. have not started invoke adapter method.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <tns:loginconfiguration xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi=""> <!-- licensed materials - property of ibm 5725-i43 (c) copyright ibm corp. 2006, 2013. rights reserved. authorities users restricted rights - use, duplication or disclosure restricted gsa adp schedule contract ibm corp. --> <securitytests> <mobilesecuritytest name="userauthsecuritytest"> <testuser realm="userauthrealm" /> </mobilesecuritytest> <mobilesecuritytest name="pushnotificationsecuritytest"> <testuser realm="userauthrealm" /> <testdeviceid provisioningtype="none" /> </mobilesecuritytest> </securitytests> <realms> <realm loginmodule="authloginmodule" name="userauthrealm"> <classname>com.worklight.integration.auth.adapterauthenticator</classname> <parameter name="login-function" value="userauthadapter.onauthrequired" /> <parameter name="logout-function" value="userauthadapter.onlogout" /> </realm> </realms> <loginmodules> <loginmodule name="authloginmodule"> <classname>com.worklight.core.auth.ext.nonvalidatingloginmodule</classname> </loginmodule> </loginmodules> </tns:loginconfiguration>


<android securitytest="pushnotificationsecuritytest" version="3.0.1"> <worklightsettings include="false"/> <pushsender key="..." senderid="..."/> <security> <encryptwebresources enabled="false"/> <testwebresourceschecksum enabled="false" ignorefileextensions="png, jpg, jpeg, gif, mp4, mp3"/> <publicsigningkey>........</publicsigningkey> </security> </android>

did set securitytest on environment in application-descriptor.xml? if have, explain it.

a security test declared on environment in application-descriptor.xml trigger authentication on application startup.

worklight worklight-adapters


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