opencv - from heatmap, calculate discrete points -

opencv - from heatmap, calculate discrete points -

sorry if question might sound i'm lazy google one, couldn't find i'm looking for.

this question avoiding reinvent wheel. think i'm looking might exist, dont want start out implementing on own:

i want turn heat map list of discrete points. i'm sure algorithm can used first thresholds heatmap , then, every "island" created thresholding, finds gravitational center. center point. want list of these points:

step 0:

step 1:

step 2:

i wonder if such algorithm exists, or if there improve approach idea. moreover, perfect if there ready utilize implementation, of course. e.g. computer vision libraries opencv have thresholding included. couldn't find next step.

my target platform ios, implementations, objective-c, c or c++ preferred.

there a lot of ways reach looking for. 1 of them:

by applying cv::threshold(); should this:

now it's time cv::distancetransform();and cv::normalize();

you can see improve appling cv::applycolormap();

next step, cv::connectedcomponents(); create sure there won't connected:

and cv::approxpolydp(); , cv::minenclosingcircle(); find centers:

i hope helpful!

keep work , have fun :)

opencv computer-vision heatmap threshold


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