Difference between code generation and model-to-text transformation -

Difference between code generation and model-to-text transformation -

i trying understand concrete difference between code generation model (e.g. using emf) , model-to-text transformations using e.g. acceleo or xpand. both concepts utilize models input, , output code, based on model, along e.g. editors etc. haven't used of m2t-frameworks until now, , that's why having problems understanding practical differences between 2 concepts. please enlighten me in matter, head-to-head comparing great.


they different conceptually.

model-to-text transformation process (technique) of extracting code model. tranformation defined in several ways, depending on source metamodel , destination language. it's opposite of text-to-model, extracts model analysing source code.

for instance, can extract , generate java code uml in model-to-text transformation.

acceleo, example, tool based on standars makes possible create tranformation model-to-text. acceleo needs model (maybe in .xml format or standar .xmi) , templates (.mtl) define.

with these templates , acceleo engine able parse model , generate code need.

to sum up: model-to-text process, , acceleo tool develop , run process.

i hope helps you!

model code-generation transformation


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