java - Spring 3.1: Have Multiple @Qualifier References Point to Same Bean ID -

java - Spring 3.1: Have Multiple @Qualifier References Point to Same Bean ID -

i working multiple shared jar libraries cannot recompile, , need them utilize same bean "statfactory":

<bean id="statfactory" class="com.tastytoast.helper.statfactory">

all libraries 1 correctly utilize @qualifier("statfactory").

@qualifier("statfactory") @autowired private statfactory statfactory;

is there way rebel library uses @qualifer("statfactory") link "statfactory" bean? have looked online , there not seem mention of it.

for example, this:

<bean id="statfactory" redirect-to="statfactory">


use alias can trick. <alias /> allow refer named bean name

<alias name="statfactory" alias="statfactory"/>

java spring dependency-injection javabeans autowired


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