itunesconnect - itunes connect sales reports won't go further than October 30th -

itunesconnect - itunes connect sales reports won't go further than October 30th -

i'm trying view sales , trends apps in itunes connect. able see sales until 30th october, when seek alter dates include days 5th nov nothing.

it's quite possible had no sales in period of time 30th oct - 4th november, yesterday had 3 new apps approved , released, know of friends have downloaded them there should info show.

is there can prepare this? i've emailed apple reply can take 3 days apparently, , i'm anxious date figures new app.


it magically seems work me today. , seems had sales in period 30th oct - 5th november, issue can't due no sales.

i having same problem. cleared out browser history , cache , working. if doesn't work you, seek browser. utilize chrome. before clearing out chrome's cache/history, decided seek safari. no luck. tried firefox , worked there.



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